Worship Services
Welcome to St. Paul United Methodist Church! We are Christians who believe in Jesus, worship God on Sundays, and work with Holy Spirit in the world. We are glad you join us. As a worship community, we have two worship services on Sundays. Please join us at your convenient time and preference.
We worship God with Spirit and truth. And we worship God by singing, praying, sharing joys and concerns, and listening to God’s Word. God sends us to the world with God’s presence and blessings. We work with Holy Spirit for the Kingdom of God in our community, nation, and world.

↓↓ Live-Streaming Service ↓↓
If you have any questions about the St. Paul worship service, please contact the office,
(410)326-4475, stpaulumcinfo@gmail.com
Past Sundays’ Worship Videos
You can find the worship videos from past Sundays.